Part of sauna bathing tradition in Scandinavian countries is to cool the body by rolling in snow but unless you live in Finland, this is not an option available to us.

Now, Dalesauna offer the Ice Room, which is a tiled room chilled to around 12°c. This is the ideal way to instantly cool the body after using either a sauna or a steam room. for even more benefit, handfuls of crushed ice can be rubbed over the body for a truly exhilarating experience.

Reflexology Walkway

Reflexology Walkway

Reflexology is the term used for therapies involving the application of pressure to specific zones in our feet, which some believe relate directly to various parts of the body.





Our feet work hard for us, so why not give them a treat ! Dalesauna offer a range of foot spa’s to gently massage your feet.


Feature Showers

Feature Showers

Imagine the exhilaration that showering with 50 litres of water a minute can give, either thermostatically controlled hot, or invigorating cold water.